Make Money on YouTube (How I Make $100,000 Per Month) 6 Simple Steps

Your channel wants it to have a firm foundation and we make sure of that with the help of these 6 clean steps. One list determines the appropriate niche. The component that almost the majority of them ask about in relation to youtube is what almost my channel should be in and here most people get it wrong? They are trying to discover the best topic that has no competition. Soul searches for their enthusiasm, all while they can lay the foundation for making money on YouTube. So here's what to do as an alternative to starting a channel somewhere you need to discover or starting a channel in something you enjoyed and some other component to think about is a topic that you are constantly doing your friends and your relatives' circle? If you can't think of something, here are a bunch of lucrative niches, animals, corporate cars, celebrities, meal games, fitness, records, existence, piracy, luxury, psychology, spooky stories, technological know-how, the era of sports activities, a tour And search.


Because I'm going to show larger areas, and typical channels in each of these areas are doing market studies. The next step is to make sure there are actually people who need to monitor the videos inside the place you've specified - which is cool - go to youtube. Research your area of ​​interest and make sure movies get at least 100,000 views, and if there is what you want, they will fit well. Three choose a call in terms of YouTube. The names of the channels will be surprised at how little they are. For example, Dream is a channel that makes movies for games, the viral channel is a channel for dogs, and Pinnacle 15s is a channel that produces scary movies. All of these channels can be roughly different things, based on their name mainly, the problem that defines these channels is not their call, but what they accomplish they don't think much of. You don't need to give you some perfect channel names in order to succeed on youtube, you probably already have a Google account, but if not, highlight one simple and you can create as many channels as you want within your google account.


For example, I run 9 exceptional YouTube channels: five of them optimize settings, don't overthink this almost your brand and channel, and it doesn't count too much, however, make sure they appear professionally and honestly, I usually hire someone From Fiverr for $ 5 to create the logo for the channel or if you want to keep the money do-it-yourself all fit so now that we got across the checklist go ahead and give yourself a cool lower back activity. Now is the time to figure out the step count, to find the content humans want. If your goal is to make money from youtube, Query Solution: What Should I Make From GIFs is very easy.

Money on

In fact, you likely had a lot of video ideas when I show you this technique, called the search and elevation technique. I use the research and advance method in every channel I start and realize exactly what movies should be created in the channel. This will get the most views for doing this method. We need a list of 33 unique video ideas. 33 why? Due to the fact that it's really the common amount of moving images that I observed at the start of new channels until one is considered to start getting momentum, or even if no one is at this factor, we are starting to get enough facts.

New channels

So where can we get this list of video ideas? Well this is where find and elevation technology comes in first, let's roughly talk about the research side of the equation, so we need 17 exclusive video ideas out of 33 general ideas of a method that depends entirely on what humans are trying to do. How do you discover what humans are looking for? Easy? We use a tool known as vid, then we visit the keyword, actually put the studies section in your niche, sort it by the popular first class ranking. This may show you the satisfactory key phrases that get the most searches and the least amount of opposition. And in case you don't need to pay for vid iq, you can use uninstalled device. It's not as severe as Uber suggests. After jogging down 17 distinct video ideas from the search now, it's time for the growing portion of the search and heightening method, and this consists of finding escalating animations that can get a variety of perspectives. This is very simple: go to youtube, search your area of ​​interest, then filter the effects by movies that can get the most views uploaded in more than a month. This might show you animations in your area of ​​interest that might work right now so write your 16 closing video ideas based on those blockbuster movies since if you make it successful to appear on youtube, it's very likely to work again. So do not forget the key to the search and lift technique. Does fifty percent of your content approach need research and 50 percent focused on ideas that are already popular.


Now is the time to go to Step 3 for content creation so now is the time to genuinely create videos now. Does that indicate that you need to really appear on the front of the camera, not always realistic, on 8 of the nine specific YouTube channels that I manage?

I don't even show my face on a person's channels and I've managed to get over 1 million subscribers on youtube without ever showing my face. What's the name of the game, it's something known as channel interest, I'm going to show you a bunch of different examples of interest field channels and quite fun places to do that later in the video, but for now, I realize that the area of ​​interest is really the channels with voiceover. Inside the historical past of a video showing movies they failed to make, I'm sure you've seen YouTube videos like this one, like this top 10 gifs, movies, and story movies. In case you need to run the channels without showing your face. All you want is a cell phone to document voiceovers, or you can opt for an inexpensive microphone just like the Blue Nano Yeti. If you want to show your face and be personal, you can totally use your phone to start recording videos. Any other alternative is to get a good and affordable digital camera like Canon, M50 or you might get a Panasonic gh5, that's what I'm recording this video with right now, no matter what kind of channel you are going to run it, I'm in favor of texting.

An additional tip is to make sure your text is 100 percent private. You can use a website known as Copyscape now that your video or voiceover has been recorded in case you are not now revealing your face now then it is time to create your videos in case you are running spot channel without showing your face then I suggest using These assets, you can make slideshows with google, Slides or PowerPoint. Inside the registry, you can use bulk stock photos from websites like pixabay.Com or pexels.Com, and in case you need larger stock clips then you can consider using a paid carrier like Storyblocks and you can undoubtedly use other people's gifs from youtube Make a voiceover. At the height of those movies, make sure you are following fair use indicators now no matter what type of channel you walk your movies need editing and no, you shouldn't be spending hundreds of dollars on some expensive editing software. Alternatively, you can use a very loose editor, like open, and shot, too, never pay for the music for your animation instead, use the youtube audio library, which provides heaps of free tracks that you can use.

This step is not copyrighted, the fourth step, add and improve: You get the first 33 films executed. Congratulations now are the time to really add them to youtube, and we need to make sure that we are optimizing movies to make sure we're not just wasting our time and to make sure they get views. So how often do you need to add? You need a content agenda. This is definitely a calendar that shows how often you upload to your channel, and the most important component of this agenda is that it regularly makes your schedule much less than your output. That means, for example, if you can create two-afternoon videos, then upload the only one-afternoon video to your channel. If you can produce for example 5 movies per week, the most effective is to upload 3 movies per week for your channel, and if you can produce 3 movies per week then add once per week.

The secret is to create an accumulated number of videos, so you are generating more than you post in terms of real posting. You can upload all your videos to youtube now and then use the built-in youtube scheduling tool to launch it in your specified agenda. The second part of the equation is making sure your movies are well optimized. I recommend vid is to discover excellent keywords to use in your title, description, and tags, or in case you want a loose alternative, you can use a chrome plugin referred to as SocialBlade to find out which tags your competitors are using and then reuse them. Tags key phrases, description, and title Now that your videos are uploaded to youtube, it's time for the step, fifth domain: get traffic, there may be many special ways to attract website visitors to your youtube site: videos, there may It's Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, email, google, SEO blogs, youtube blogs themselves, but here's what I suggest simply, select one visitor source and go all over it.

My favorite approach is to use YouTube itself to serve up all of the site visitors you might want. Here's exactly how to experience this using a cascading content approach. This consists of creating a collection of videos about similar things and all movies across this series will have similar key phrases. This means you have to get a little bit of searching for your visitors, and this is where the cascading content technology works its magic. If you do it right, your personal videos will start appearing within the recommended video feed, located below your video. If you are watching in the cell or on the right side in case you are watching on a computer, your personal videos will start appearing on this feed in other videos from your movies. So the majority of people who watch one clip in all of your youtube videos are probably watching each other and each other and moving in what I like to call scenes viewer loops where they see each other in all of your videos from your warning video feed and then some others. For this reason, you only want a few search visitors to get lots and lots of watch time, due to the fact that humans will cross to see each other and each other in both your gifs and watch time is part of what YouTube uses to determine if they need to put a clip Your video inside your already popular animated video feed - and that's how you might totally blast it on youtube.

I've got over 70 movies that got over a million views with this approach and I have a few videos recovered from 10 million views each using this approach - and I realize that sounds complicated, but it's really now not all of that for sure. The way is every one of the gifs across your youtube channel has to be about the identical element now, in case you want to discover how to use intensive streamed content technology and the method you used to get an amazing fast-spreading video then take a look at the link in the description of this Video When you are ready to get traffic to your channel earlier than we got to step number six and be sure to drop the likes in this video if you feel like you got paid to this point, step six monetization and make money. Now, this is my favorite non-generic step. I suggest it is time to make some cash so on this factor you might ask Matt: How can I honestly make money on youtube? Well, you can instantly monetize on youtube via something known as the youtube Associate program wherein youtube will place ads in your animation and you will get a commission every time you are unmarried. Someone sees an ad for your animation, you need things to get it: Monetization from 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time. Now you're probably saying this is going to take a long time to get it. I mean 4000 hours of watch time. It's 240,000 minutes, but it could happen faster than you think in all likelihood.

There are 3 basic ways to make money on YouTube. One is with YouTube commercials within the YouTube Partner app: via Assistant. Advertising and 3 with digital goods. The pass starts with the main one, which is the YouTube commercials. Once you achieve all of the amounts efficiently, you have to be monetized, so the high-quality way to make as much money as you possibly can from youtube ads is to place a few ad breaks in a video sometime, and the most effective way to do that is through producing Videos are at least eight minutes long, and the fun way to do this is to place an ad at the beginning and end, and every minute at some point this way, you will make the maximum amount of cash ever. For example, when you have a ten-minute video which means you have placed an ad at the beginning of the video in minutes. 4 minutes, 6 minutes, eight minutes, and then an ad at the end of the video. This way, you will have six favorite ads over just one or two ads and you will make three times as much money.

Now the field of technology is also of great interest on youtube, for example, a channel in the field of technological knowledge, we have the next smart banana channel is the sports field that interests us and we have non-stop sports activities. The next area of ​​interest is a high-quality area of ​​interest due to the fact that there may be many different advertisers in this area of ​​interest and the fact that you can advertise related items - this is the technology area of ​​interest and a great example of a tech channel in this niche - the channel is known as the tech sector And the tech zone is translating into a bunch of different languages ​​just as wonderful, not just in English and beyond. We have the tour area which is interesting and we bet you don't even need to take a trip to film in this area of ​​interest and a great example of a channel doing so without showing their faces at all.

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