Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners


If you want to break into freelance writing, there’s never been a better time. There is a wealth of writing needed, especially online. If you’re a new writer, you may be wondering exactly how to find freelance writing jobs for beginners? Read on for our top suggestions.

hands typing on a laptop with text overlay

How Do I Start Freelance Writing With No Experience?

This is a good question because it can be overwhelming to know where to start if you want to break into freelance writing. And, like anything else, oftentimes, the hardest part is getting started.

Learn some simple ways to get started as a freelance writer. In addition, this amazing freelance writing course from Gina Horkey is a great resource for those looking to start from scratch!

There are also some great courses about freelance writing on Udemy.

It’s a catch-22 because in order to get started you need experience, but with no experience you can’t get started! A lot of writers start freelancing as a side gig, while still employed full-time.

This allows them to get their feet wet and build up their clientele, while their day job pays the bills.  

a woman typing on a laptop with notebooks and a phone next to her

Do You Need Qualifications To Be A Freelance Writer?

The answer is no you don’t need to have special qualifications, but you do need to have skills!  While you don’t have to have a degree in journalism or English to be a freelance writer, you do need to be able to write well.

And, it’s helpful to choose a niche. Companies in every niche need writers so depending on what you like and what you know, select a niche and go from there. 

You’ll also need to be a good communicator. You will be the only one communicating to your clients and potential clients so you need to be comfortable talking to people.

And, you’ll need to have some technical acumen since you’ll be doing business using digital content management and organizational tools as well as products like email, Google Docs and Zoom for audio and video conference calls. 

Also, since you’re a freelancer, you will need to manage all aspects of your business yourself. That means everything from day-to-day writing, to marketing, to taxes will fall on your shoulders so you need to be organized to handle it all and not let anything fall through the cracks. 

a hand holding out a dollar bill

Who Will Pay Me To Write?

Freelance writing jobs for beginners can be hard to find at first, but just about every company you can think of needs writers. These days everyone has a website and websites need content.

So, your options are pretty limitless in who you can write for. I’d suggest choosing a niche and concentrating on companies and sites in that niche.

Once you choose a niche, your goal is to learn all you can about that niche so you become a subject matter expert. Clients want experts!

Try These Sites To Land Freelance Writing Jobs

Freelancer sites and job boards list freelance writing jobs and are a great way to break into freelance writing. All of these sites can be good places for new writers to find work.

For some like Fiverr and Upwork, you’ll need to complete a compelling online profile that describes your particular expertise. If you’re accepted, your profile is displayed on the site and people looking for freelancers can select you based on your profile.

The competition is stiff on freelancer sites, so starting out you will not make a lot of money. But the experience is good and you can work your way into earning more

Job boards like Problogger and Blogging Pro work a little differently in that you’re actually applying for a specific position that’s been posted by an employer on the site. Jobs can be freelance, contract, full-time or part-time employment.

And, finally, don’t overlook traditional job boards like Indeed and Linked In. They also have freelance writing jobs posted.

  1. Problogger
  2. Blogging Pro
  3. Fiverr
  4. Upwork
  5. Indeed
  6. LinkedIn Jobs
  7. Craigslist
  8. All Freelance Writing
  9. Freedom With Writing 
a woman sitting crossed legged typing on a laptop

Additional Tips GOT GetTING Your First Freelance Writing Job

There are quite a few different tactics to try if you want to break into freelance writing as a beginner, but above all is that you have to show potential clients that you can write.

If you don’t succeed with landing a freelance job right away using the sites and job boards above, here are great ways to get your writing in front of potential clients.

1. Start Your Own Blog

Starting your own blog is an excellent way to showcase your writing skills. When you are talking to potential clients, you’ll have plenty of writing examples to show that are on your own site. This is probably the best way to get your writing in front of people

Plus, starting a blog can enable you to make income in other ways. Learn how to make money blogging for beginners!

2. Guest Post On Other Sites

Guest posting is an awesome way to get your name out there and show your writing style and can lead to paying jobs. Many sites welcome guest bloggers because it’s a great way for them to get free content on their site.

You can look at your favorite blogger’s sites and see if they have a “Contact Me” section. Many sites will have information here regarding whether they accept guest posts, and if they do, their guest post requirements or guidelines.

You’ll want to read this section carefully because it’s very important to follow their guidelines EXACTLY if you want to get your piece published. If you don’t follow their instructions, your post won’t be accepted for publishing. 

 3. Facebook Groups

There are a multitude of Facebook groups for freelancers. These include Facebook groups for all kinds of online services like blogging, virtual assistants and freelance writing, to name a few.

These groups exist to give members tips and to connect buyers and sellers. In Facebook writing and blogging groups, you’ll find people that want to buy content and people that are selling their freelance services.

To get started, you’ll want to do a search on Facebook for “Freelance Writing” or “Blogging” and see what comes up. Take a good look at the groups and types of requests you see. Fair warning that some of the groups are better than others.

I’d stay away from the groups that offer ridiculously low payment rates. These aren’t worth your time, even if you’re a beginner.

5.  Check out websites you like

Many of these websites are frequently looking for writers. In fact, there is so much online content needed that freelancers are in high demand.

If there are sites you particularly like then by all means you should be regularly checking their sites to see if they have any openings posted. And, some sites even advertise that they have freelance writing jobs for beginners.

I’ve seen positions posted on very large sites where the posting specifically said that beginners are welcome to apply. So, don’t let lack of experience dissuade you from searching out that perfect job and applying! And, if they don’t have any openings, see if they’re accepting guest posts. 

6.  Cold Pitch.

If you find a site that you think you could write a perfect article for and they don’t have any openings or guest post information posted, then try cold pitching. Cold pitching is simply sending a short email to the site owner about your idea and who you are.

Basically, you want to spend some time reading their content to figure out what kinds of articles they post, then research to find out who to pitch at the site (it’s always better to have the name of someone specific).

Make sure your cold pitch email is specific to that particular site and very polished. You want to show that you are an expert!

Is Freelance Writing A Good Career?

That’s a good question. The answer is it can be. Freelance writing is a great career for the right person

You have to be a go-getter who’s self-motivated to find work and meet deadlines. You’ll also need to be a good communicator and highly organized to keep your assignments in order. 

And, you’ll need to enjoy working alone. A lot! If this sounds like you, then freelancing might be a great career for you.

 You may also be interested in learning to become a VA or these other legitimate work from home jobs.

How Much Do Freelance Writers Make?

There’s a wide variety of pay and pay styles for freelance writers. Freelance writers charge by the project, by the hour or by the word.

All in all, freelance writing jobs for beginners don’t pay that much. But the good news is the only place to go is up!  

Pay for freelance writers largely depends on who you write for. Bigger businesses pay more than small blogs because big businesses have a much larger budget to pay freelancers

But just because a business pays more doesn’t necessarily make it a better gig. The big corporate business may come with a lot more headaches than the small website. 

Either way, you’ll find beginners assignments around .05 per word. There are definitely jobs that pay less, but personally, I’d try to hold out until you can find a gig that pays .05 per word or more.

Anything less isn’t really worth it in my opinion – even for a beginner. Once you have some writing experience you can easily make .10 per word. And, with more experience you can go up from there.  

Freelance writing can be a lucrative career. There are some well-known freelancers (like Gina Horkey) that make a mid-six figure income! In reality, it’s very possible to make a solid five figures and up, if you’re good and you hustle

To SUmmarize

Freelance writing isn’t for everyone but if you truly enjoy writing it can be a great full-time job or side gig. Breaking into freelance writing as a beginner will take a little time, but it’s well worth the effort if you want an interesting and fun career! 

Have you done any freelance writing? Comment below and let us know what your experience has been!


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