How to Stop Wasting Time


If you’re ready to learn how to stop wasting time, you’re not alone. Managing daily tasks and planning time for projects and activities is really quite difficult to do. But if you’re tired of being inefficient and wasting your day away, there are several ways that you can stop wasting time with very little effort. 

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Can we all just agree that being an adult is hard? And while there are many perks that can come along with it, it’s also a time in our lives where every single decision about every little thing rests on our shoulders and sometimes makes it hard to manage.

The events of the last year haven’t helped with that equation, either. 

But just because you’ve gotten into a habit of wasting time or sitting back and letting time pass you by doesn’t mean that it has to be your norm. In fact, you can easily take charge of every second of your day and make the most out of it, if you’re truly ready and willing.

Time management isn’t something that has to be a “pie in the sky” dream…You have what it takes to make each and every day count. Now is the time to stop wasting time and enjoy every moment of life that you’re given.

a woman typing on a laptop on a desk

Is working a waste of Time?

This answer is going to vary depending on who you ask but when it comes down to the days of your life, as long as you’re not letting your work dominate your life, it’s not a waste of time.

The only way that your job can become a time hog is when you let it take over your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. If you can set a daily schedule that you adhere to, you shouldn’t feel as though your work or job is taking away the precious moments of your life. 

However, if you are not feeling satisfied at work, you may feel as though it’s a waste of your time. And it might mean a job change, or learning how to become financially free so you can do what you want!

wasting time at home

More than likely, all the time-wasting that is going on in your life is probably happening in your very own house. And this can be due to a number of different things but the biggest is going to be the distractions that you allow yourself to have.

Just stop and look around the room that you’re in. More than likely, you’re surrounded by a plethora of electronics like your cell phone, TV, radio, gaming system, and more.

These “distractions” that are only meant to be a break can easily take over hours upon hours of your day. It may be beneficial to start a social media detox just so you can see how much time you get back without social media!

a laptop set up on an organized white desk

The biggest and easiest way that you can stop wasting time at home is to set up an office space or a workspace that is clean and clear of any type of distractions.

You’ll find that once you clear your space, you’ll clear your head, and this will help you function and get through all the tasks much quicker than you’d have done before. 

Ways to Stop Wasting Time for Good

I’ll dive into a few specific examples of ways to stop wasting time, but you also have to know that you have to be on board to make it happen and be consistent with it.

If you’re not really ready to get on track with your time management skills then you’re not going to see any type of improvement in the amount of time that you feel like you’re wasting daily. 

Your mental awareness is the first step to stopping time waste and your commitment to yourself is the second. 

A main reason that people waste time is because they’re feeling as though they’re in a rut. Truth be told, this happens to the best of us.

There comes a point in everyone’s lives where they question things and just don’t really feel motivated to do much. When this happens, you have to be aware of it and be willing to change your mindset. 

And if you’re ready to dive in and really talk about all the easy ways that you can stop wasting time and start living every moment, this list will help you do exactly that. 

a notebooks with"make it happen" written in marjer

Plan out your days in advance

If you’re never tried scheduling out your days, this is a must. How do you know how much time you’re truly wasting if you’re never created a schedule that you need to follow?

Sit down, write out your daily schedule for the next 7 days, and keep track of how many times you get off course or just fail to complete the tasks. Learn how the most productive people schedule their days.

This should give you a good idea of where you need to improve and how you can be more efficient in your time management skills. 

Do something productive 

The reason that you’re feeling as though you’re wasting time is that you might not be feeling like you’re challenging yourself enough. You can combat this by keeping a good book (like one of these awesome personal development books) with you at all times. 

That way, if you do happen to have downtime but aren’t really looking to relax, you can easily pick up your book and relax a bit while exercising your mind at the same time. 

Podcasts are also a great idea to listen to. If you have your phone (who doesn’t nowadays) and you find yourself with some “downtime”, pop on an educational podcast and learn something new!

a woman jogging in the woods with headphones in

Exercise your body daily

You’ll be amazed at how exercise can change your entire outlook on life. There’s something amazing about how the adrenaline rush in your body and brain while working out can make you feel extremely motivated to be productive.

If you’re able to work out your body daily, do so. Not only are you spending your time taking care of your health, but you’ll also find that this gives you time to think, plan, and prepare for the rest of the day and week. 

Try some of these ways to stay fit:

Spend time with those that you love

Love really does make the world go round. And if you get into a habit that you’re alone all the time or closing yourself off, you’re going to start feeling very worried about that path and course of life.

Take the time weekly to spend a big block of time with family and friends. The love, laughter, friendship, and companionship are certain to do your heart well and make you understand that time is precious and you’re fortunate to be able to spend it with those that you love. 

Blocking off time to spend with loved ones, no matter how busy you are, is one of the many daily habits of successful people.

Start a new hobby

Hobbies are never a waste of time. Hobbies allow you to try something new which is exciting, fun, and a simple way to build your confidence as well.

And if you start a hobby and don’t care for it, move on to another one until you find something that just clicks. Exploring what you like is a great way to manage your time! 

In Conclusion

If you’ve come to a point in your life where you feel like you’re wasting time, it’s “time” to step back and see how you can redirect your path in life. More than likely, the simple steps listed above are going to be a great place to start. 

Once you realize that doing what makes you happy and what brings you joy isn’t a waste of time, you just might develop a whole new outlook on your daily activities in life.

Because one thing about life is true…We’re all given one life to live and one life to love. Don’t feel as though you’ve wasted that gift just because you’re worried and scared of change.

Do you have any other tips on how to stop wasting time? Comment below and let us know how you do it!


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